Arthur Nicholls
A Texas transplant to Los Angeles, Arthur has a passion for socially conscious documentary. He has produced work in the United States, Cambodia, Nicaragua, and South Africa on a variety of topics ranging from international politics to deaf literature.

Arthur Nicholls completed his undergraduate studies in television production at Emerson College in 2005 and his MBA from the University of Phoenix in June 2008. Arthur found his love for socially conscious media while producing and shooting Barang, a documentary about post-Vietnam Cambodia. Since co-founding Grey Matters Media with Jeremiah Cohick, Arthur has produced documentaries in South Africa and Nicaragua. Although he was transplanted to the east coast for school and now the west coast for work, Arthur proudly maintains his South Texas roots.
Electing: DEMOCRACY / Eligiendo: DEMOCRACIA
| Producer, Director
In November 2006, Nicaraguans participated in their fourth Presidential election. The campaign is hot, the issues vital. What is the best way to combat poverty? What role will Nicaragua have in the global marketplace? What kind of country will the children of Nicaragua inherit? Nothing less than the future of the nation is at stake, and everybody has an opinion. Seasoned politicians Daniel Ortega and Jose Rizo face formidable opposition from first-time candidates Eduardo Montealegre, Edmundo Jarquin, and Eden Pastora.
Producers Arthur Nicholls and Stephanie Appell, captivated by the beauty and humanity they witnessed on numerous visits to Nicaragua, felt compelled to use their talents and give something back. They worked with Nicaraguan native, and Grey Matters Media producer, Ana Bendana to interview some of the nation’s key figures, exploring why the upcoming election is such a pivotal moment for Nicaragua and discovering the significance of each individual vote.
Electing: Democracy will not only help Nicaraguans make a better, more informed choice on Election Day. It has captured a country on the brink of a metamorphosis. Despite decades of turmoil, Nicaraguans look to the future with hope. Although political parties may divide some, everyone is united in the desire for internal stability and peace. Each vote in November is another small stride in that direction, but everyone knows that a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
| Producer, Director of Photography
With three cameras and a tripod, six young students from around the world traveled to Cambodia, a country fraught with landmines and decades of war. BARANG is the story of their discoveries. Through interviews with Westerners across the country, this film takes a look at a nation’s endurance in the aftermath of tragedy. BARANG explores the relationship the West has with Cambodia, from the Vietnam War era to present day reconstruction efforts.