Maryanne Galvin
Maryanne Galvin is a Boston based nonfiction filmmaker with 7 completed projects covering a variety of social justice topics from capital punishment and interrogation of national security detainees to the evolution of female 'pleasure' since the 1960's in the USA.

Maryanne Galvin is a licensed and board certified practicing psychologist in Massachusetts. She earned her doctorate at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and later, the MFA in Creative Writing at Emerson College, Boston. Beyond the completion of 7 documentary films screened worldwide, Galvin wrote, directed and produced 2 short educational videos. These programs are used with law enforcement and mental health communities when discussing best practices with high risk citizens at the point of arrest and incarceration. She is currently producing and directing a short educational video to stimulate awareness of a clinician's perjorative word choice and systemic impact in the juvenile justice arena.
Although serious in nature, Galvin's films prove to be informative and entertaining, often interspersing animation and imaginative effects.
She has considered comedic shorts as her next filmmaking challenge. We shall see....
Additional Details
Designated Forensic Psychologist for the Dept. of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts (essentially for the past 16 years)
Independent filmmaker
Co-Producer and Production Assistant on several comedic short with filmmaker Kevin Anderton/Midnight Chimes Productions, Boston
and with filmmaker Cyndi Lenz, Boca Raton, Florida
Rhode Island International Film Festival, Grand Prize in Documentary for "High, Fast & Wonderful"
Providence Award-for "Pursuit of Pleasure"
Wine Country Film Festival (now, the Sonoma Film Festival) for "Amuse Bouche: A Chef's Tale"-Best of the Fest (Food doc)
Boston International Film Festival
Special Recognition in Documentary for "The Pursuit of Pleasure" and for "What's Going on UP There?"
Berkeley Film & Video Festival
for "Pursuit of Pleasure" and "As IS: A Downsized Life"