Jennifer Jo Utz
Jennifer Utz has been covering the Iraqi refugee crisis since the fall of 2006. She was one of the first journalists to highlight the extent of the crisis, breaking the story on Democracy Now in February 2007. Her subsequent reports aired on ABC World News Tonight, France 24, and Current TV.

Jennifer Utz has been covering the Iraqi refugee crisis since the fall of 2006. She was one of the first journalists to highlight the extent of the crisis, breaking the story on Democracy Now in February 2007. Her subsequent reports aired on ABC World News Tonight, France 24, and Current TV.
Jennifer was previously a producer at Democracy Now, an independent radio and television news broadcast hosted by the award-winning journalist Amy Goodman. In 2007 she co-produced a feature documentary about the Jewish-American academic Norman Finkelstein, field producing and filming in Canada, Japan, and Lebanon.
She spent 2004 in India, teaching members of a women's empowerment organization to produce outreach videos designed to educate a non-literate audience of Untouchable, Tribal, and Muslim populations. Prior to that, Jennifer co-edited a documentary about youth in Zimbabwe, comprised of footage smuggled out of the country. In 2003, Jennifer produced and edited a feature documentary about the academic program “Semester at Sea,” which documented the townships of South Africa, life in Castro’s Cuba, and the Movement for Landless People in Brazil.
In between overseas assignments, she works as a freelance graphic designer and Flash motion graphics artist.