Donate Funds


Special note: Donations from unregistered users will be credited as coming from an anonymous source. To receive recognition for your donation as you designate and/or to obtain any of the premiums listed below please log in to your ReelChanges account or register.

If you are new to Reelchanges and wish to avail the following offers without wanting to register, Reelchanges can do this for you.For this please check following box:

Auto Register

Offers from the Filmmaker:

Select from the following Offers!

Note: The cost of the item(s) you wish to receive, should not exceed the amount you entered in the box above.

Enter amount:

You can donate as much as $100,000.00 with a minimum donation of $10.00



Quick Hints:

Dear ,
All contributions are tax-deductible as allowed under U.S. federal law.